Mid-Day Meals


Objectives of the Practice

  • To encourage the students from underprivileged and economically backward classes’  to pursue higher education.
  • To ensure that the students are provided with nutritional support while pursuing their higher education.
  • Improve students’ attendance and thereby enhance their academic performance.

The Context

Some of the students come from very poor economic backgrounds and rural areas to our college. These students could not bring lunch boxes due to various reasons. Some of them come from remote places and find it difficult to have food in the afternoon. They will not be able to have breakfast as their parents go to work early in the morning. They attend the classes from morning till evening. It results in attention deficit and low academic performance. To plug this problem, the teachers of the college initiated the mid – day meal scheme for the benefit of such students.  This programme started in August 2018, under the guidance of the  principal, Dr. R Anandakumari. Dr. Padmaja Y. M. took the responsibility as convener of this committee.

In 2018-19, 23 students, in 2019-20, 32 students, in 2020-21, 10 students, in 2021-22, 43 students, and in 2022-23, 42 students benefited from this unique program.

The Practice

The applications will be invited from the students to enroll their names to be  benefitted by this program.  Mid-day meal committee that comprises the principal, IQAC coordinator and some senior professors of the college will counsel  the students. First they address the students and later they counsel every deserving student. Selection is made considering the socio-economic status of the students.

Tokens are issued every day through Kannada department. Sri Siddaganga Canteen of our college serves food for the selected students. The food will be served in the lunch break between 12 to 12.30 pm on all working days. If the beneficiaries of this program are irregular to classes or fail in the exams,they will be dropped from this scheme.

Evidence of Success

It improved students’ attendance and their academic performance in a remarkable way. Students have responded to the program in an admirable way. Parents , LIC of Tumkur University  and members of the Governing Council appreciated this program. Our college is exemplary in this respect.

Problems encountered and Resources Required

One of the challenges was to identify deserving candidates. Some of the girls hesitate to apply due to their conservative outlook. Such students are counseled and encouraged to avail the benefits of the scheme. Obtaining financial resources was yet another challenge. Philanthropists, alumni association and the staff members of the college helped generously to overcome this challenge.


7.3.1 Mid-day meals photos